Institut de la Connaissance des Méthodes d'Apprentissage Autonome et d'Eveil
Our Programs

Medical Analysis Naturotherapy Application Aggregator
MANAA is one of the programs produced by ICMAAE with application oriented in the medical sector. It is based on the vision that an increase in the Knowledge of the human body, of the different kingdoms as well as the knowledge of the effects and interactions, allows:
Reactivity in the diagnosis of diseases, and therefore faster care…
Efficiency and precision in the choice of treatments and care to provide ...
An increase in medical research, driven by the emergence of collective intelligence sharing experiences and resources ...
The MANAA "Aggregator" is based on a Human-Machine Assisted Intelligence architecture with the linkage of collective intelligence and the use of artificial intelligence tools.
This collaboration is based on the work of the Governance Methods Laboratory (LMG). The mission of the program is to compile cataloging and consigning in a platform the resources of traditional medicines and naturotherapy collected by its members.The latter produce from this data the main themes to be followed for the actors in the medical field.